Monday, February 27, 2006
What's goin' on?
The country's not getting any better... high government officials thinking only about themselves, civil servants who are torn between the government side or the rebels side, citizens being brainwashed to go forth and rally along the streets of EDSA thinking that another People's Power will bring the president down her throne and the country putting a lot of shame to itself. tsk tsk Shame on us fellow Filipinos, what are we doing to our land? Where are we headed to? We were once at the top, 2nd to Japan back in the 1950s according to resources and now we're way way way behind. Singapore, Hong Kong, &Korea were some of the countries that looked up on us, they were the ones considered as the 3rd world countries BUT that was before. Now look at Singapore, if i'm not mistaken, it's one of the tiger countries in Asia & it is continually progressing, having the best international airport in the whole world, geez that's a lot! you see what i'm trying to imply here is that we were LEFT BEHIND fellow filipinos. Yes, our country experienced a luxurious life before back in the 50s, but most of us weren't able to see that especially my generation and the succeeding generations. What we saw instead were political and economic crisis, increased number of homeless people, street kids, beggars... *sigh* What went wrong? It is OUR OWN WRONGDOING! We became too selfish, thinking only about ourselves & forgot our responsibility to our motherland.We forgot our mission. And we continue to do that up unitl now and look at us, look at our country, what kind of image are we sending to the world? People of the Pearl of the Orient Sea it is time for US to CHANGE & REBUILD our nation once again!!! Not by rallying and rebelling against the government for that won't definitely change the country BUT the kind of change our land needs is a CHANGE WITHIN OUR INNER SELVES.Let's stop this crap & do our job-our mission & together, let us restore the land that once was bountiful and envied by most of our neighboring countries. Most importantly, let us not forget to always lift it up in our prayers, that HE will bring healing to this land.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Looking Beyond Borders
This has been a pretty inspiring weekend for me. Last night some church friends came to our house to make some banana medley for their fundraising activity. It was fun coz i liked doing those stuff, i like learning new recipes. Anyways, at around 10 pm, after they have eaten dinner they headed back home except for Ate Neth and so here's where the story begins. Ate Neth, is one of our youth leaders and she's the one who always calls me and checks up on me, LeeAnn, musta ka na? how's life?school? and the like...nweiz, so there we are at the dining table, me, my sis, & ate neth talking about life. There's a lot to tell & share but i think it just boils down to one thing: never ever forget your main thing despite the toxicity of school works (in my case). Stay connected to your main thing and everything else will come accordingly. What's that main thing you may ask? It's your personal connection with Him. That talk was like a reminder or should i say a wake up call from up above. We finished that talk at the dining table at around 1 a.m. with a prayer and it just felt great! But the talking did not end there coz Ate Neth spent the night in our house coz it was pretty late and it was not a good idea for her to go home by herself at that time. So we went up to our room and Ate Neth went on... now this time it's one of the topics girls always have in their talks... hehe So the talking went on till 3am but i was so sleepy that i didn't realize that i fell asleep and wasn't able to hear the rest of the story. Sis told me that i was sleeping so deeply and the story ended at around 3:30 am. Now, another inspiring and motivational church this morning the pastor's preaching was about "unconquered dreams". We all have our own dreams in life, dreams for ourselves, dreams for our family, dreams for our church, community, & for our country. And he pointed out 3 points in having unconquered dreams, first is that unconquered dreams have no excuses, second, it goes beyond its boundaries, and lastly, it has no limits. He then told the congregation about a story of this blind man who was able to climb the highest mountain in the world, go scuba & sky diving, para gliding and all sorts of activites that you wouldn't imagine a blind man doing, that amazing guy is Erik Weihenmayer (check out the video in this link & be inspired by Mr. Erik) . There's this other guy too Kyle Maynard who did not take his being a handicap as a hindrance for him to live a normal life. Click his name and read his biography and you'll see what i'm talking about. You see, these guys are what society calls the "disabled", but looking into their lives they certainly are far from being disabled. They did not make their handicapness an excuse for them to do the things they wanted, they went beyond the boundaries, and they certainly did not have any limitations. We should all be like an Eric Weinmayer & Kyle Maynard, who see things beyond borders. To end this entry, here's a quote by the famous Helen Keller : I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Blog Cloud
I was browsing through this artist's blog and got this idea of creating a so-called "Blog Cloud". It lists down the words that you frequently use in your blog and according to Ms. Elise, the bigger the word, the more frequent you use that word. It's so kewl!!! Plus, it can be printed out in a shirt, you just have to pay $18. Well, i don't have $$$ and i don't know if it can be delivered here in my part of the world...haha as if i was living in an unknown world. Oh well, here's my blog cloud:
Told yah it was cool! *winks, winks*
Saturday, February 04, 2006
No pain, No Gain
i went to my dentist this morning to have two of my teeth pulled out..haha NO it's not because i have this nasty tooth decay its just that my dentist told me that she needs to pull out FOUR teeth so that there'll be enough space for adjustment when she puts on those braces. So at the clinic, the dentist did her thing...anesthesized my gums then proceeded with taking those teeth off. She was having a hard time pulling my teeth out coz it was in perfect condition & she kept on askin me if i feel any pain and i don't feel a thing as a matter of fact i was smiling the whole time & she was giving me a weird look & asked me "why are u smiling?"..i replied, "nothing!" nothing? i was in the middle of a painful procedure (but thanks to the anesthesia, no pain felt) & i was smiling for no reason at all? huwwaatt? i must be crazy! haha Nweiz, it was all good two teeth removed & another two next week. She gave me my teeth back as a souvenir coz they were healthy teeth. lolz. hmmm... will i actually keep those teeth?  hahaha MAYBE yes/ no...haha i'm not making any sense must be an after-effect or i'm just covering up the pain that i'm starting to feel now? oh well i'm gonna head out now & chill with myself on the couch and watch Chronicles of Narnia, yay! Good day y'all
Friday, February 03, 2006
my bestfriend
A sister shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.
 Sisters share the scent and smells - the feel of a common childhood.

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.

Sisterhood is powerful.

She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. hehe 