No one knows the mysteries of life or its ultimate meaning, but for those who are willing to believe in their dreams and in themselves, life is a precious gift in which anything is possible.

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Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

On being an Office Rookie

Though, my job here in the Emirates is not actually my first job but then I consider it as my first official business-office job. I was actually reluctant to accept the job at first,but then the words of my dad to just try it first till i've found where my niche is plus the constant "pag-may-trabaho-ka-na" lines of both parents whenever i'm asking something from them that requires them to shed some 'fulus' ( arabic term for 'money') for me. haha...convinced me to give it a try. So here i am on my 3rd week at Ali & Sons Contracting Co. as a secretary-receptionist and so far all is good naman =) I read a couple of articles at boundless about work related stuff and here are some that I wanted to share with you guys:

"Whatever your vocation, God calls you to honor Him, to reflect His image, and to labor with all of your might. You may not be in your dream job right now. But the secret is to honor God in the little things and to sanctify the ordinary."

  1. Be on time. Even if the boss has flexible work hours and comes and goes as he pleases, don't assume that gives you license to.
  2. Be eager to listen. Don't talk too much. When you're in a meeting or have face time with the boss, listen well, take notes and ask questions when needed. That said, don't be afraid to offer your opinion. Just wait for an appropriate opening.
  3. Be eager to work. Having a "can do" attitude goes a long way when starting out. Most bosses don't expect great wonders from new hires. But they do expect someone who's willing to try anything that's asked of them.
  4. Be a good steward of the work day. Take care not to spend an inordinate amount of time surfing websites of personal interest, sending personal emails, and talking on your cell to friends. You can do things on your own time, over lunch if it's permitted.
  5. Be well groomed. Don't get too crazy expressing yourself with your hair, head, facial or otherwise. And look sharp whatever your office dress code.
  6. Ask questions. The old adage that there's no such thing as a dumb question is true. Put aside your fear of looking stupid and ask lots of questions.
  7. Take responsibility for your mistakes. When you mess up, own it. Don't shift the blame or make excuses. Be direct and say "the fault is mine." Then move on.
  8. Stay put. Unless you're going through some unbearable circumstance, stick around for at least a year before moving on.

So there's some of the helpful articles that enlightened me today, hope it did the same to you too =)

Goin' home now..half-day lang kami today.yay!

link | posted by Lee-Ann at 1:53 PM |


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