My so-called Life

No one knows the mysteries of life or its ultimate meaning, but for those who are willing to believe in their dreams and in themselves, life is a precious gift in which anything is possible.

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Location: Manila/Cavite, Philippines

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Almost A Dream Come True...

Last tuesday, after learning from Abi & Dianne that it was no joke...the BSB will be havin' their concert here in Manila on the 20th of January!!!! I was like so eager to go and recalled that story Jaz made up back in 6th grade about the BSB having their concert here in Manila and we got the chance to meet them & have those limited backstage passes. ah! those childhood fantasies of ours...still is still is... haha After hearing that news, i immediately relayed the news to the rest of the gang who's here. Then, i reserved 4 tickets at just in case... haha See, how excited i was?!!! Who wouldn't be?! It's like a dream that is about & is so close to coming true! Or so i thought... ='( I told my mom about it & well i caught her on a bad mood and she was telling me, "tumigil! walang pupunta sa concert...puro na lng gastos iniisip nyo!!!" nyek, nyek, nyek!!! But i said to myself, "i'll ask her again & plead her to allow me to go when she's in a good mood.." since, they know how much that really means to us (me & my sis) haha! BUT... here comes wednesday where i've learned that our physio lab exam w/c was supposed to be held tomorrow will be moved next week : Jan. 21! WAAAAHHHH!!!! No more chance for me since i can't gamble my acads w/ the concert thing...yes even if it's one of my wildest dreams that is about to come true! I can hear these voices ringing in my head "it's not meant to be, LeeAnn...tsk, tsk, tsk" huhuhu ='( Oh well, there's nothing i can do...BUT I really do hope that i'll still get a chance to witness a BSB concert or more meet them up-close & personal... HAHA!

Oh yah! I know a lot of you folks out there were laughing at me the whole time u were reading this entry & in ur minds you say, "poor Lee-Ann!"

YES! I'm guilty! Still am an avid fan of the or teeny-ish it may sound but hey they will always remind me of those fun days i've had & the special friends i've had. hehe.

So there goes the dream... a dream that almost came true.... *sigh*

link | posted by Lee-Ann at 6:27 PM | 1 comments

Monday, January 02, 2006

2005 : A Year in Review

Oh yes! my first post for the year 2006...hmmm what to expect? nothing really just some sharing of what 2005 brought me.

Before making this entry, i read my previous posts from last year & i'm very thankful for everything i've experienced: the highlights & lowlights, it's all worth thanking for!!! Those were the moments that helped or will help shape the person who i am or will be. Lots of learning learned in every aspects of life: GOD, family, friends, school, love... i could go on and on! Life is indeed beautiful even through those bad days i had.

Aside from the learnings, i've also encountered meeting a lot of different people in the most unsual places, one of which is the BUS...haha and that is so WEIRD! It really made me think, what is it with the bus that, that's the place where i get to meet guys...u know what i mean? It's freaky!!! BUT, i did have some nice experiences & it was great meeting those guys and establishing a new found friendship in them...yes, just stays there...FRIENDS...nothing more!

Love? Ahh! is alive, it is all around us & it will find you when you least expect it & in the place where you would never think of finding it (no, it's not the bus..hehe)! That pretty much summarizes how love entered the scene once again in my life... yes, it is what it is u're thinking of! At first i was afraid of falling coz i know it would be hard to get myself back up again, but i faced my fear...took the risk of falling & I won't ever regret that i did this coz for the first time i just let it all out..without any hesitations, BUTs, perfect this and that...of course we don't know what lies ahead but there'll be no regretting about it! There is love and that's what matters the most.

My family, the most important bunch of people in my life...even if it doesn't show in me i really do love them...yes even my lil' bro who i've had the most sibling fight with last year. Despite the distance..we've always been close to each other thanks to the wonders of YM & MSN haha. But even though we get to see them on cam& chat/talk with them every single day nothing compares to the feeling of being in their arms...just within your reach! That goes out also for Uncle D, Aunt A., & Ivy...their vacation spent here in the Phils last year will really be cherished coz we never know when we'll get to be together again BUT we will be together again...ALL of US... ;)

Lastly, GOD...i've experienced having so much fire in Him and at the same time there's also the time when there's too little oil in my lamp to keep me burning for Him...this has always been the story with Him every year and i'm so guilty about it.He's been really good to me...have i been good to Him? =( Lord, i'm so sorry....i really am... i don't want to promise anything...but i'll try...

With GOD & all these people mentioned plus my dear friends (HS, College,Youth) life last year: 2005 was a BLAST!!! Love it!

link | posted by Lee-Ann at 8:44 PM | 0 comments

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