No one knows the mysteries of life or its ultimate meaning, but for those who are willing to believe in their dreams and in themselves, life is a precious gift in which anything is possible.

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Location: Manila/Cavite, Philippines

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

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Thursday, October 28, 2004

In an Instant

I'm still on vacation and i'm savourin' every single day of it even if i juz have to stay home and juz sit in front of the TV or computer.

Two days ago, we were blessed with a new baby as you can see in the pics i've posted and with that comes additional responsibilities again, but it's ok... this time we'll make sure that we will see her grow and have her own little babies too!

Yesterday, i spent the whole afternoon baking my oatmeal cookies coz Soul Shop will buy it from us coz that will be the food served for some of the audiences tomorrow for 'RESOUND'. Well i hope they'll like it..i did my best to perfect it..BUT as the say no one's perfect!

For today, JC woke me up and told me that he wasn't able to sleep again coz of Cresence. So, i got out of the bed and looked after Cresence and gave her food, then i let her do her thing, while i do my own thing! I cleaned JC's room and the living room, planned our menu for today but end up with the usual de latas & noodles . Our maid took her day off yestrday that's why i was left to do the cooking part and all the dishwashing and cleaning part! But, it's ok with me..i'm used to do that kind of stuff when we were in AD. So here comes the highlight of this entry:
I was washing the dishes, then suddenly i saw water rushing out of the cabinet below the sink and when i opened it, the cabinet's soaking wet and all the stuff inside it!i immediately put all the things out and thought for a while on what to do about it! I was thinking of telling my Aunt to call a plumber BUT i "re-thinked" (is there such a word?) and thought of why don't i fixed it up myself! So i did, and i just remembered what my DAd and Mom used to do when we've got pipe problems back then and just a couple of twisting and loosenin' some pipes..i was able to fix the problem! It was really yucky seein' all the stuff that was stuck in those's bleehhh *sticks out her tongue* but i have no choice but to do it! Then i cleaned the whole kitchen after that since i'm quite dirty myself already! After that, i was so proud of myself for doing that... i became a plumber in an instant!

link | posted by Lee-Ann at 9:50 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous commented at 4:45 PM~  

Keep up the good work
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